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Prize Fiesta: who are the dwarves?

Meet Puffy: the hungry dwarf!

Welcome to the Prize Fiesta world!

Learn more about our funny characters: the dwarves.

Our team created 6 dwarves. Each of them has a special story and a unique personality.

Puffy: the big eater

You had better help yourself before he does. If he serves himself first, he won’t even leave a crumb behind. Puffy is the food lover of the group. He is always hungry and constantly dreams of cake. He much prefers collecting mushrooms instead of working in the mine. Wonder why…?

He can eat the mushrooms but not the diamonds!

Drowsy: the sleep lover

He is always late and moves slowly. Drowsy loves "taking life step by step". Deadlines are a completely unknown concept to him, as he will take a nap wherever he is and whenever he wants.

Suffering from narcolepsy? Or is it just in his mind? Hard to tell... To handle the situation, Tricksy has manufactured a portable slap machine ready to use!

Creepy: the weird smile

Creepy was raised by his uncle Ted, also known as “Gloomy". He taught to his nephew that being weird is cool. As a teenager, he was always up to no good, but Creepy is now part of the Prize Fiesta dwarves and has left his past behind... However first impressions count, and that weird smile makes his friends feel uncomfortable.

Clumsy: the dwarf with two left feet

He is a true adventurer at heart, he is unfortunately very unlucky. Clumsy is always getting himself in trouble with this absent minded ways, however they always make for a funny story. Knocking his head multiple times a day, finishing the safari drive in the pond, breaking his leg while visiting the yeti! These are pretty standard conclusions to any of his adventures.

He is a VIP customer at all hospitals!

Nervy: scared of his own shadow!

"Am I doing it right?".... "Is this safe?" So many questions going through Nervy's mind in one minute. He is so scared to take the wrong decisions, so he wants to make sure all calculations are 100% accurate before deciding to do something. The other dwarves count on him to double-check the mushroom collection. No place for doubt right?

Tricksy: the smart one

Want a job done perfectly? Better ask Tricksy: the handsome and savvy blond guy. He'll be a good person to lead the project and to find solutions.

He graduated from the dwarves' academy 3 years early, he is the perfect handyman and leads the group through its journey. Not a simple task! In fact handling a friend with 2 left feet, another that is narcoleptic, a doubting spirit, a shady character and a delicacy lover is a complicated task. But he always has a smile on his face :)

Tricksy has more than one trick up his sleeve... He is also known as the "heartthrob" of Friendly village.. Maybe he will steal the beautiful blond girls' heart and become king of the dwarf kingdom... who knows....?

You will be able to find out more by visiting the Official Facebook group:


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